Create a Date Table
Script Purpose
You can use this script to create a new, organized and configured date table based on 1-2 selected date columns in the model. The first selected column should be the earliest date and the second selected column should be the latest date. Both should be selected before running the script / macro.
This script will create the below objects in the model:
- A measure
, which will have the latest date in the model scope; i.e. last day of sales. You can adjust this measure manually and re-process the date table to re-generate it based on a different reference date (i.e. if you want to change it to TODAY() or add a filter) - The
table - The table can be configured in a separate DAX Query window and copied back into the script if you have other requirements.- All columns will be organized in display folders
- Column properties like Sort By will be set
This script does not yet create model relationships between the created date table and date fields in your model.
Create Date Table
// To use this C# Script:
// 1. Run the script
// 2. Select the column that has the earliest date
// 3. Select the column that has the latest date
// List of all DateTime columns in the model
var _dateColumns = Model.AllColumns.Where(c => c.DataType == DataType.DateTime ).ToList();
// Select the column with the earliest date in the model
string _EarliestDate =
"Select the Column with the Earliest Date:"
// Select the column with the latest date in the model
string _LatestDate =
"Select the Column with the Latest Date:"
// Create measure for reference date
var _RefDateMeasure = _dateColumns[0].Table.AddMeasure(
"CALCULATE ( MAX ( " + _LatestDate + " ), REMOVEFILTERS ( ) )"
// Formatted date table DAX
// Based on date table from
// To adjust, copy everything after the @" into a DAX query window & replace
var _DateDaxExpression = @"-- Reference date for the latest date in the report
-- Until when the business wants to see data in reports
VAR _Refdate_Measure = [RefDate]
VAR _Today = TODAY ( )
-- Replace with ""Today"" if [RefDate] evaluates blank
VAR _Refdate = IF ( ISBLANK ( _Refdate_Measure ), _Today, _Refdate_Measure )
VAR _RefYear = YEAR ( _Refdate )
VAR _RefQuarter = _RefYear * 100 + QUARTER(_Refdate)
VAR _RefMonth = _RefYear * 100 + MONTH(_Refdate)
VAR _RefWeek_EU = _RefYear * 100 + WEEKNUM(_Refdate, 2)
-- Earliest date in the model scope
VAR _EarliestDate = DATE ( YEAR ( MIN ( " + _EarliestDate + @" ) ) - 2, 1, 1 )
VAR _EarliestDate_Safe = MIN ( _EarliestDate, DATE ( YEAR ( _Today ) + 1, 1, 1 ) )
-- Latest date in the model scope
VAR _LatestDate_Safe = DATE ( YEAR ( _Refdate ) + 2, 12, 1 )
-- Base calendar table
VAR _Base_Calendar = CALENDAR ( _EarliestDate_Safe, _LatestDate_Safe )
VAR _IntermediateResult =
ADDCOLUMNS ( _Base_Calendar,
""Calendar Year Number (ie 2021)"", --|
YEAR ([Date]), --|-- Year
""Calendar Year (ie 2021)"", --|
FORMAT ([Date], ""YYYY""), --|
""Calendar Quarter Year (ie Q1 2021)"", --|
""Q"" & --|-- Quarter
"" "" & --|
""Calendar Year Quarter (ie 202101)"", --|
YEAR([Date]) * 100 + QUARTER([Date]), --|
""Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)"", --|
FORMAT ( [Date], ""MMM YY"" ), --|-- Month
""Calendar Year Month (ie 202101)"", --|
YEAR([Date]) * 100 + MONTH([Date]), --|
""Calendar Month (ie Jan)"", --|
FORMAT ( [Date], ""MMM"" ), --|
""Calendar Month # (ie 1)"", --|
MONTH ( [Date] ), --|
""Calendar Week EU (ie WK25)"", --|
""WK"" & WEEKNUM( [Date], 2 ), --|-- Week
""Calendar Week Number EU (ie 25)"", --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 2 ), --|
""Calendar Year Week Number EU (ie 202125)"", --|
YEAR ( [Date] ) * 100 --|
+ --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 2 ), --|
""Calendar Week US (ie WK25)"", --|
""WK"" & WEEKNUM( [Date], 1 ), --|
""Calendar Week Number US (ie 25)"", --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 1 ), --|
""Calendar Year Week Number US (ie 202125)"", --|
YEAR ( [Date] ) * 100 --|
+ --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 1 ), --|
""Calendar Week ISO (ie WK25)"", --|
""WK"" & WEEKNUM( [Date], 21 ), --|
""Calendar Week Number ISO (ie 25)"", --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 21 ), --|
""Calendar Year Week Number ISO (ie 202125)"",--|
YEAR ( [Date] ) * 100 --|
+ --|
WEEKNUM( [Date], 21 ), --|
""Weekday Short (i.e. Mon)"", --|
FORMAT ( [Date], ""DDD"" ), --|-- Weekday
""Weekday Name (i.e. Monday)"", --|
FORMAT ( [Date], ""DDDD"" ), --|
""Weekday Number EU (i.e. 1)"", --|
WEEKDAY ( [Date], 2 ), --|
""Calendar Month Day (i.e. Jan 05)"", --|
FORMAT ( [Date], ""MMM DD"" ), --|-- Day
""Calendar Month Day (i.e. 0105)"", --|
MONTH([Date]) * 100 --|
+ --|
DAY([Date]), --|
""YYYYMMDD"", --|
YEAR ( [Date] ) * 10000 --|
+ --|
MONTH ( [Date] ) * 100 --|
+ --|
DAY ( [Date] ), --|
""IsDateInScope"", --|
[Date] <= _Refdate --|-- Boolean
&& --|
YEAR([Date]) > YEAR(_EarliestDate), --|
""IsBeforeThisMonth"", --|
[Date] <= EOMONTH ( _Refdate, -1 ), --|
""IsLastMonth"", --|
[Date] <= EOMONTH ( _Refdate, 0 ) --|
&& --|
[Date] > EOMONTH ( _Refdate, -1 ), --|
""IsYTD"", --|
MONTH([Date]) --|
<= --|
MONTH(EOMONTH ( _Refdate, 0 )), --|
""IsActualToday"", --|
[Date] = _Today, --|
""IsRefDate"", --|
[Date] = _Refdate, --|
""IsHoliday"", --|
MONTH([Date]) * 100 --|
+ --|
DAY([Date]) --|
IN {0101, 0501, 1111, 1225}, --|
""IsWeekday"", --|
WEEKDAY([Date], 2) --|
IN {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}) --|
VAR _Result =
_IntermediateResult, --|-- Boolean #2
""IsThisYear"", --|
[Calendar Year Number (ie 2021)] --|
= _RefYear, --|
""IsThisMonth"", --|
[Calendar Year Month (ie 202101)] --|
= _RefMonth, --|
""IsThisQuarter"", --|
[Calendar Year Quarter (ie 202101)] --|
= _RefQuarter, --|
""IsThisWeek"", --|
[Calendar Year Week Number EU (ie 202125)]--|
= _RefWeek_EU --|
) --|
// Create date table
var _date = Model.AddCalculatedTable(
// Sort by...
// Sort Weekdays
(_date.Columns["Weekday Name (i.e. Monday)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Weekday Number EU (i.e. 1)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
(_date.Columns["Weekday Short (i.e. Mon)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Weekday Number EU (i.e. 1)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
// Sort Weeks
(_date.Columns["Calendar Week EU (ie WK25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Week Number EU (ie 25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
(_date.Columns["Calendar Week ISO (ie WK25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Week Number ISO (ie 25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
(_date.Columns["Calendar Week US (ie WK25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Week Number US (ie 25)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
// Sort Months
(_date.Columns["Calendar Month (ie Jan)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Month # (ie 1)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
(_date.Columns["Calendar Month Day (i.e. Jan 05)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Month Day (i.e. 0105)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
(_date.Columns["Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Year Month (ie 202101)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
// Sort Quarters
(_date.Columns["Calendar Quarter Year (ie Q1 2021)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Year Quarter (ie 202101)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
// Sort Years
(_date.Columns["Calendar Year (ie 2021)"] as CalculatedTableColumn).SortByColumn = (_date.Columns["Calendar Year Number (ie 2021)"] as CalculatedTableColumn);
// For all the columns in the date table:
foreach (var c in _date.Columns )
c.DisplayFolder = "7. Boolean Fields";
c.IsHidden = true;
// Organize the date table into folders
if ( ( c.DataType == DataType.DateTime & c.Name.Contains("Date") ) )
c.DisplayFolder = "6. Calendar Date";
c.IsHidden = false;
c.IsKey = true;
if ( c.Name == "YYMMDDDD" )
c.DisplayFolder = "6. Calendar Date";
c.IsHidden = true;
if ( c.Name.Contains("Year") & c.DataType != DataType.Boolean )
c.DisplayFolder = "1. Year";
c.IsHidden = false;
if ( c.Name.Contains("Week") & c.DataType != DataType.Boolean )
c.DisplayFolder = "4. Week";
c.IsHidden = true;
if ( c.Name.Contains("day") & c.DataType != DataType.Boolean )
c.DisplayFolder = "5. Weekday / Workday\\Weekday";
c.IsHidden = false;
if ( c.Name.Contains("Month") & c.DataType != DataType.Boolean )
c.DisplayFolder = "3. Month";
c.IsHidden = false;
if ( c.Name.Contains("Quarter") & c.DataType != DataType.Boolean )
c.DisplayFolder = "2. Quarter";
c.IsHidden = false;
// Mark as date table
_date.DataCategory = "Time";
// Create Workdays MTD, QTD, YTD logic
// (separate into measures & calc. column to be easier to maintain)
// Add calculated columns for Workdays MTD, QTD, YTD
string _WorkdaysDax = @"VAR _Holidays =
DISTINCT ('Date'[Date]),
'Date'[IsHoliday] <> TRUE
VAR _WeekdayName = CALCULATE ( SELECTEDVALUE ( 'Date'[Weekday Short (i.e. Mon)] ) )
VAR _WeekendDays = SWITCH (
""Sat"", 2,
""Sun"", 3,
VAR _WorkdaysMTD =
MIN ('Date'[Date]),
ALLEXCEPT ('Date', 'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)])
CALCULATE (MAX ('Date'[Date]) - _WeekendDays),
+ 1
IF (_WorkdaysMTD < 1, 1, _WorkdaysMTD)";
"Workdays MTD",
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Workdays"
"Workdays QTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Quarter Year (ie Q1 2021)]"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Workdays"
"Workdays YTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Year (ie 2021)]"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Workdays"
// Create measures for showing how many workdays passed
_WorkdaysDax = @"CALCULATE(
MAX( 'Date'[Workdays MTD] ),
'Date'[IsDateInScope] = TRUE
"# Workdays MTD",
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"# Workdays QTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "QTD"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"# Workdays YTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "YTD"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
// Create measures showing how many workdays are in the selected period
_WorkdaysDax = @"IF (
HASONEVALUE ('Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]),
MAX ('Date'[Workdays MTD]),
VALUES ('Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)])
"# Workdays in Selected Month",
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"# Workdays in Selected Quarter",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "QTD").Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Quarter Year (ie Q1 2021)]"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"# Workdays in Selected Year",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "YTD").Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Year (ie 2021)]"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
// Create measures showing how many workdays passed as a %
_WorkdaysDax = @"IF (
HASONEVALUE ('Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]),
DIVIDE ([# Workdays MTD], [# Workdays in Selected Month]),
"% Workdays MTD",
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"% Workdays QTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "QTD").Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Quarter Year (ie Q1 2021)]").Replace("Month", "Quarter"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
"% Workdays YTD",
_WorkdaysDax.Replace("MTD", "YTD").Replace("'Date'[Calendar Month Year (ie Jan 21)]", "'Date'[Calendar Year (ie 2021)]").Replace("Month", "Year"),
"5. Weekday / Workday\\Measures\\# Workdays"
// Move the reference measure to the newly created 'Date' table.
_RefDateMeasure = Model.Tables["Date"].AddMeasure(
"CALCULATE ( MAX ( " + _LatestDate + " ), REMOVEFILTERS ( ) )",
"0. Measures"
_RefDateMeasure.IsHidden = true;
Info ( "Created a new, organized 'Date' table based on the template in the C# Script.\nThe Earliest Date is taken from " + _EarliestDate + "\nThe Latest Date is taken from " + _LatestDate );
Error( "Latest column not selected! Ending script without making changes." );
Error( "Earliest column not selected! Ending script without making changes." );
This snippet takes the selected columns and creates a measure to highlight the maximum date for reporting. It then creates a formatted Date table with common columns used for reporting. The date table only contains calendar dates and not fiscal periods.
Example Output