Table of Contents

Find & Replace Substring in Measures

Script Purpose

Will find & replace a substring in the model's measures DAX expression. I.e. if you want to replace 'Customers'[Key Account] with 'Products'[Type] in many measures. An input box lets the user enter the text to find and a subsequent input lets the user define the replacement text.


#r "System.Drawing"

using System.Drawing;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Hide the 'Running Macro' spinbox
ScriptHelper.WaitFormVisible = false;

// Replace Selected.Measures with Model.AllMeasures to scan all measures
var _measures = Model.AllMeasures;
    // Optional: Replace _m.Expression with _m.Name to find & replace in names.

// Initialize _find and _replace string variables
string _find = "Find";
string _replace = "Replace";

// WinForms prompt to get Find & Replace input
using (Form prompt = new Form())
    Font formFont = new Font("Segoe UI", 11); 

    // Prompt config
    prompt.AutoSize = true;
    prompt.MinimumSize = new Size(350, 120);
    prompt.Text = "Find and Replace Dialog";
    prompt.StartPosition = FormStartPosition.CenterScreen;

    // Set the AutoScaleMode property to Dpi
    prompt.AutoScaleMode = AutoScaleMode.Dpi;

    // Find: label
    Label findLabel = new Label() { Text = "Find:" };
    findLabel.Location = new Point(20, 20);
    findLabel.Width = 80;
    findLabel.Font = formFont;

    // Textbox for inputing the substring text
    TextBox findBox = new TextBox();
    findBox.Width = 200;
    findBox.Location = new Point(findLabel.Location.X + findLabel.Width + 20, findLabel.Location.Y - 4);
    findBox.SelectedText = "Find this Text";
    findBox.Font = formFont;

    // Replace: label
    Label replaceLabel = new Label() { Left = 20, Top = 60, Text = "Replace:" };
    replaceLabel.Width = 80;
    replaceLabel.Font = formFont;

    // Textbox for inputting the substring text
    TextBox replaceBox = new TextBox() { Left = replaceLabel.Right + 20, Top = replaceLabel.Location.Y - 4, Width = findBox.Width };
    replaceBox.SelectedText = "Replace with this Text";
    replaceBox.Font = formFont;

    // OK Button
    Button okButton = new Button() { Text = "OK", Left = 20, Width = 75, Top = replaceBox.Location.Y + replaceBox.Height + 20 };
    okButton.MinimumSize = new Size(75, 25);
    okButton.AutoSize = true;
    okButton.Font = formFont;

    // Cancel Button
    Button cancelButton = new Button() { Text = "Cancel", Left = okButton.Location.X + okButton.Width + 10, Top = okButton.Location.Y };
    cancelButton.MinimumSize = new Size(75, 25);
    cancelButton.AutoSize = true;
    cancelButton.Font = formFont;

    // Button actions
    okButton.Click += (sender, e) => { _find = findBox.Text; _replace = replaceBox.Text; prompt.DialogResult = DialogResult.OK; };
    cancelButton.Click += (sender, e) => { prompt.DialogResult = DialogResult.Cancel; };

    prompt.AcceptButton = okButton;
    prompt.CancelButton = cancelButton;


    // The user clicked OK, so perform the find-and-replace logic
    if (prompt.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
            int _occurrences = 0;
            var _ReplacedList = new List<string>();
            foreach (var _m in _measures)
                    if (_m.Expression != _m.Expression.Replace(_find, _replace))
                                    // Count number of occurrences of _find substring in the string
                                    string _pattern = Regex.Escape(_find);
                                    _occurrences = Regex.Matches(_m.Expression, _pattern).Count;
                                    // If it's not found there are 0 occurrences
                                    _occurrences = 0;
                            // Perform the Find/Replace
                            _m.Expression = _m.Expression.Replace(_find, _replace);
            // Create a list of all the measures replaced
            string _Replaced = _ReplacedList.Count > 0
                ? "\n\nMeasures with Replacements:\n • " + string.Join("\n • ", _ReplacedList)
                : "";
            // Return a success Info box pop-up
                "Replaced " + 
                _occurrences + 
                " occurrences of '" + 
                _find + 
                "' with '" + 
                _replace + 
                "'" + 
            Error("Find/Replace cancelled!");


This snippet will create a pop-up dialogue with WinForms that will let you input a substring to search the selected measures and replace with a different substring. A success box dialogue will inform you that the find/replace was successful.

Example Output

An example of the pop-up Find/Replace dialog that allows the user to enter the sub-strings to be searched / replaced.
Figure 1: An example of the pop-up Find/Replace dialog that allows the user to enter the sub-strings to be searched / replaced.
An example of the info box dialog which informs the user that the Find/Replace was successful, and how many / which measures were affected by the script.
Figure 2: An example of the info box dialog which informs the user that the Find/Replace was successful, and how many / which measures were affected by the script.