Table of Contents

View/Remove Measures with Errors

Script Purpose

If you want to see all the measures that have errors and have the option to delete them from the model, saving a back-up .tsv of the deleted measures to a selected directory (in case you want to re-add them, later).


View & Remove Measures with Errors

// This script scans the model and shows all measures with errors, giving the option to remove them.
// .GetCachedSemantics(...) method is only available in TE3
using System.Windows.Forms;

// Hide the 'Running Macro' spinbox
ScriptHelper.WaitFormVisible = false;

// Get all the measures that have errors
var measuresWithError = Model.AllMeasures.Where(m => m.GetCachedSemantics(ExpressionProperty.Expression).HasError).ToList();
//Prior to Tabular Editor 3.12.0 the GetSemantics method must be used.
//var measuresWithError = Model.AllMeasures.Where(m => m.GetSemantics(ExpressionProperty.Expression).HasError).ToList();

// If no measures with errors, end script with error.
if ( measuresWithError.Count == 0 )
Info ( "No measures with errors! 👍" );

// Handle erroneous measures

// View the list of measures with an error

//   From the list, you can select 1 or more measures to delete
var _ToDelete = SelectObjects(measuresWithError, measuresWithError, "Select measures to delete.\nYou will be able to export a back-up, later.");

    // Delete the selected measures
        foreach ( var _m in _ToDelete ) 
        Info ( 
            "Deleted " + 
            Convert.ToString(_ToDelete.Count()) + 
            " measures with errors." 
        // Create an instance of the FolderBrowserDialog class
        FolderBrowserDialog folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog();
        // Set the title of the dialog box
        folderBrowserDialog.Description = "Select a directory to output a backup of the deleted measures.";
        // Set the root folder of the dialog box
        folderBrowserDialog.RootFolder = Environment.SpecialFolder.MyComputer;
        // Show the dialog box and get the result
        DialogResult result = folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog();
        // Check if the user clicked the OK button and get the selected path
        if (result == DialogResult.OK && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath))
                // Get the output path as a string
                string _outputPath = folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath;
                // Get the properties of the deleted measures
                var _backup = ExportProperties( _ToDelete );
                // Save a backup of the deleted measures
                SaveFile( _outputPath + "/DeletedMeasures-" + Model.Name + DateTime.Today.ToString("-yyyy-MM-dd") + ".tsv", _backup);
                Info ( 
                    "Exported a backup of " + 
                    Convert.ToString(_ToDelete.Count()) +
                    " Measures to " + 
    // Display an info box if no measure was selected
    Info ( "No measure selected." );


This snippet gets all the measures that have errors according to the Tabular Editor Semantic Analysis. It then will display them in an output box where you can manually browse them or make changes. Thereafter, measures can be selected for removal. The removed measures can be saved as a back-up .tsv file in case you want to import them, later.

Example Output

An output dialog that lets the user view and edit any measures with errors in Tabular Editor
Figure 1: An output dialog allows you to view and also edit any measures that currently have 'errors' according to the analysis services semantic analysis.
A selection dialog that lets the user select measures to delete
Figure 2: Measures with errors can be selected for deletion.
A confirmation dialog that informs the user the deletion was successful
Figure 3: A confirmation dialog will inform you deletion of the measures was successful.
A dialog that lets the user select a directory to save a .tsv back-up of the deleted measure metadata
Figure 4: An optional .tsv backup of the measure properties and definitions can be saved to a local directory, in case they need to be re-added, later.