Table of Contents

Format Numeric Measures

Script Purpose

Allows you to quickly set default format strings on the measures selected.


The script uses certain naming standards so you might wish to adjust it to suit yours.


Script Title

// This script is meant to format all measures with a default formatstring
foreach (var ms in Selected.Measures) {
//Don't set format string on hidden measures
	if (ms.IsHidden) continue;
// If the format string is empty continue. 
	if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ms.FormatString)) continue;
//If the data type is int set a whole number format string
	if (ms.DataType == DataType.Int64) ms.FormatString = "#,##0";
//If the datatype is double or decimal 
	if (ms.DataType == DataType.Double || ms.DataType == DataType.Decimal) {
    //and the name contains # or QTY then set the format string to a whole number
		if (ms.Name.Contains("#")
			|| ms.Name.IndexOf("QTY", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) >= 0) ms.FormatString = "#,##0";
		//otherwise set it a decimal format string. 
    else ms.FormatString = "#,##0.00";


The script takes each of the selected measures and loops through them to set a default format string according to various conditions.