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Code action DI012 (Improvement) Use DIVIDE instead of division


When using an arbitrary expression in the denominator of a division, use DIVIDE instead of the division operator, to avoid division by zero errors.



[Total Sales] / [Total Cost]


DIVIDE([Total Sales], [Total Cost])

Why is Tabular Editor suggesting this?

When dividing two numbers in DAX, it is common to use the division operator /. However, if the denominator is zero, the result of the division is an error. This can be problematic in certain scenarios, as it can cause the entire expression to fail. Downstream measures may use IFERROR to handle this, but a more elegant and better performing solution is to use the DIVIDE function, which returns a specific value or (Blank) if the denominator is zero. This makes the code more robust and easier to read.

Tabular Editor will not suggest this action if the denominator is guaranteed to be non-zero, such as when dividing by a (non-zero) constant, in which case the division operator / is preferred.