Table of Contents

Keyboard shortcuts


Command Shortcut
New model Ctrl+N
Open file Ctrl+O
Load model from a database Ctrl+Shift+O
Save current item Ctrl+S
Save all Ctrl+Shift+S
Exit Alt+F4
Deployment wizard Ctrl+Shift+D


Command Shortcut
Select All Ctrl+A
Copy Ctrl+C
Cut Ctrl+X
Paste Ctrl+V
Undo Ctrl+Z
Redo Ctrl+Y
Find Ctrl+F
Replace Ctrl+H

Data modelling

Command Shortcut
Properties F4
Edit object name / batch rename F2
Batch rename children Shift+F2
View dependencies Shift+F12
Make invisible Ctrl+I
Make visible Ctrl+U
Create measure Alt+1
Create calculated column Alt+2
Create hierarchy Alt+3
Create data column Alt+4
Create table Alt+5
Create calculated table Alt+6
Create calculation group Alt+7
Accept expression change F5

TOM Explorer

Command Shortcut
Navigate up or down Up / Down arrow
Expand / collapse current node Right / Left arrow
Expand / collapse current node and all subnodes Ctrl+Right / Left arrow
Expand / collapse entire tree Ctrl+Shift+Right / Left arrow
Toggle measures Ctrl+1
Toggle columns Ctrl+2
Toggle hierarchies Ctrl+3
Toggle partitions Ctrl+4
Toggle display folders Ctrl+5
Toggle hidden objects Ctrl+6
Toggle info columns Ctrl+7
Navigate back Alt+Left arrow
Navigate forward Alt+Right arrow

Text/code editing (general)

Command Shortcut
Cut line Ctrl+L
Delete line Ctrl+Shift+L
Copy line Ctrl+Shift+T
Transpose lines Ctrl+T
Duplicate line Ctrl+D
Lowercase line Ctrl+U
Uppercase line Ctrl+Shift+U
Move lines up Alt+Up arrow
Move lines down Alt+Down arrow

DAX code

Command Shortcut
Go to definition F12
Peek definition Alt+F12]
Refactor Ctrl+R
Show auto-complete Ctrl+Space
Show calltip Ctrl+Shift+Space
Format DAX F6
Format DAX (Short lines) Ctrl+F6
Comment lines Ctrl+K
Uncomment lines Ctrl+U
Toggle comments Ctrl+/
Collapse all foldable regions Ctrl+Alt+[
Expand all foldable regions Ctrl+Alt+]
Toggle all foldable regions state Ctrl+Alt+;
Collapse foldable region Ctrl+Shift+[
Expand foldable region Ctrl+Shift+]
Toggle foldable region state Ctrl+Shift+;
Delete reference or words Ctrl+Backspace or Ctrl+Delete
Expand Selection Ctrl+Shift+E

DAX Query

Command Shortcut
Execute query F5
Execute selection Shift+F5

DAX Script

Command Shortcut
Apply script F5
Apply selection F8
Apply script and save model Shift+F5
Apply selection and save model Shift+F8

DAX Debugger

Command Shortcut
Step over F10
Step back Shift+F10
Step in F11
Step out Shift+F11
Next row (innermost row context) F9
Previous row (innermost row context) Shift+F9

C# Script

Command Shortcut
Run script F5

Customizing Shortcuts

Tabular Editor 3 allows for the customization of shortcuts by rebinding existing or adding new shortcuts.

Setting shortcuts can be done through Tools -> Preferences -> Keyboard and locating the command that should have a shortcut binding and setting the binding in the menu. Shortcuts can be set for many different parts of Tabular Editor 3 including Macros to have C# scripts available at the fingertips.

Dax Script

  1. Keyboard Menu in Preferences
  2. Find command that should have a shortcut
  3. Set shortcut by holding desired shortcuts key and use "Assign Shortcut"