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Tabular Editor 3.10.0

Tabular Editor 3.10.0 downloads:

If you haven't used Tabular Editor 3 before, you are eligible to a 30 day trial, which can be requested after installation. You can also purchase a license.


Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (and newer) uses .NET 6. You may have to install the .NET 6.0 Runtime for Desktop before you can launch Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (or newer). Starting from 3.3.1, the Tabular Editor 3 installer will download and install these prerequisites, if they are missing.

New in 3.10.0

Check out our release blog to get an overview of the most important updates in this release.


This version of Tabular Editor will let you import tables / update table schemas on models that already have a Direct Lake connection. The Import Table Wizard does not yet support creating a new Direct Lake connection on an empty model. This will be added in a future release.


Once you make any changes to a Direct Lake dataset through the XMLA endpoint, you will no longer be able to open that dataset in the Web Modelling feature of Fabric.

  • C# scripts now support preprocessor directives to determine which version of Tabular Editor you're using. This allows you to write scripts that are compatible with both Tabular Editor 2 and Tabular Editor 3.

Improvements in 3.10.0

  • We're now using using the latest version of AMO/TOM. This update adds support for Binary XML, which should help speed up XMLA operations. More details in this Microsoft blog post.
  • We also updated TMDL to preview-3, which includes a number of bugfixes.

TMDL is still in preview, and as such, this feature must also be considered a preview feature of Tabular Editor 3. Make sure to keep a Model.bim / Database.json backup of your model metadata to avoid losing work.

  • When cloning objects, we now add the suffix "-Copy" instead of " Copy", to reduce the risk of leaving trailing blanks in object names, see #940.
  • The auto-complete popup now automatically adjusts its width to fit the widest item inside of it. See #965.
  • When a backup .bim file is saved for a Power BI Desktop model, we now use the name of the .pbix file, instead of the database GUID, see #958.
  • Table Preview performance improvements.

Bugfixes in 3.10.0

  • Fixed a bug that prevented Synonyms (linguistic metadata) to be persisted, when using Save to Folder.
  • Fixed a bug where the backup .bim file had an incorrect timstamp, see #967.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented the user from cancelling the deployment when the backup save fails for any reason.
  • Find Panel on Table Preview should now generate valid DAX search expressions behind the scenes, see #955.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the "Go to definition (F12)" action to be disabled when the caret was placed on a DAX function, see #962.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented loading models from .vpax files in some cases.
  • The height of the "result count" panel in DAX queries should now automatically adjust to fit its content.
  • The Properties grid now correctly displays multi-line expressions that happen to start with one or more line breaks, just like when editing the expression inside the grid.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause Pivot Grid to get stuck in an infinite error-message loop, when columns that were added to the Pivot Grid were deleted from the remote model.
  • Fixed a bug where macros added to the menu bar, would stop working after a restart of Tabular Editor.
  • Fixed a bug where attempting to perform a Schema Update on multiple tables originating from the same source table, would fail for all except one.

Coming from Tabular Editor 2.x?

Watch this video to get an idea of the new features in Tabular Editor 3. Also, make sure to check our onboarding guide.

Tabular Editor 3 major features overview:

  • Fully customizable IDE, with multi-monitor, Hi-DPI support and themes
  • New powerful DAX code editor with auto-complete, syntax checking, code folding and much, much more
  • *Workspace mode, allowing you to save your changes to disk and synchronise model metadata to Analysis Services simultaneously
  • *Preview table data with infinite scrolling, create PivotGrids or write DAX queries to browse the model or test calculation logic
  • *Schedule data refreshes
  • Update Table Schemas on both Provider and Structured Data Sources (yes, even for M queries!)
  • Create data model diagrams
  • Create DAX scripts that allow you to edit multiple measures or other calculated objects in a single document
  • Record C# scripts and save as macros (formerly known as "Custom Actions")
  • VertiPaq Analyzer integration
  • DAX debugger

*=Only while connected to an instance of Analysis Services or Power BI