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Tabular Editor 3.12.0

Tabular Editor 3.12.0 downloads:

If you haven't used Tabular Editor 3 before, you are eligible to a 30 day trial, which can be requested after installation. You can also purchase a license.


Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (and newer) uses .NET 6. You may have to install the .NET 6.0 Runtime for Desktop before you can launch Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (or newer). Starting from 3.3.1, the Tabular Editor 3 installer will download and install these prerequisites, if they are missing.

New in 3.12.0

Check out our release blog to get a brief overview of the most important updates in this release.

  • Tabular Editor now displays a "What's New" page when the application is updated. The page informs you of new Tabular Editor features, along with community updates and other relevant news for Tabular Editor users. If the page is hidden, you can access it from the Help > What's New. You can disable this feature by unchecking Tools > Preferences > Updates and Feedback > Show "What's New" page on startup.
  • When prototyping new measures, it is quite common to specify them within the DEFINE block of a DAX query. In this update, we've added an easy way to create/update model measures based on measures defined within the DAX query. On the toolbar, through the Query menu, and through the right-click context menu of the DAX query editor, you will see 4 new options light up, which work very similarly to the "Apply" actions in DAX Scripts, with the exception that only a measures' name and expression is applied (since it's not possible to specify other properties like Description, Display Folder, etc. through a DAX query). More details in the blog post.
  • Please be aware that we're now using a new certificate to sign the binaries, in case your IT organization needs to expclitly approve 3rd party code certificates. The new certificate is issued by GlobalSign GCC and the certificate is issued directly to Tabular Editor ApS.

Improvements in 3.12.0

  • We have hidden the special RowNumber column from the various VertiPaq Analyzer views, to align with other tools (DAX Studio, DAX Optimizer, etc.).
  • AMO/TOM has been updated to, meaning Tabular Editor 3 now supports the latest data modelling features. For example, we now support the Model.DirectLakeBehavior property, letting you control whether DirectQuery fallback on Direct Lake models should occur or not.
  • TMDL has also been updated to the latest version.

TMDL is still in preview and should not be used in production. We're aware of a deserialization issue in AMO/TOM, when a table has an incremental refresh policy applied. This will be fixed in the next release of AMO/TOM.

  • You can now create BPA rules that inspect DAX tokens returned from the IDaxDependantObject.Tokenize() method, the same way as in TE2.
  • We now show a warning in the DAX editor, when a variable is declared but never used. See #934. Such variables should generally be removed to keep your DAX tidy.
  • When importing tables or updating table schema from a T-SQL source, where the partition references a Stored Procedure, we now provide an option to execute the Stored Procedure, in cases where the resulting schema cannot be statically determined. This can happen, for example, when the stored procedure uses temp tables. The user is always prompted with an option to cancel the operation, before the stored procedure is executed.
  • Tabular Editor now allows importing tables from Snowflake using Native Query, see #949. Note: For this option to be available, you must specify a database name in the Snowflake connection dialog.
  • You can now refresh individual tables or partitions in Direct Lake mode (this operation is also known as "framing").
  • Adding tables to a model in Direct Lake mode, will no longer prompt you for the type of partition to create (defaulting to an Entity Partition in Direct Lake mode).

Bugfixes in 3.12.0

  • Fixed an issue where the Rename Variable context menu option would not always be available, see #692.
  • Fixed an issue where username/passwords were not properly persisted for ODBC data connections. Tabular Editor will now prompt if the ODBC credentials are missing.
  • Fixed an issue where a Snowflake DSI ODBC connection string was not generated correctly, see #993.
  • When Tabular Editor generates T-SQL during table import/schema updates, we no longer use the IIF keyword, since this is not supported on Azure Synapse (dedicated SQL pools), see #1007.
  • When Tabular Editor generates the deployment TMSL script, we now automatically add a dummy partition to tables governed by incremental refresh, in case no partitions have been defined (otherwise, deployment would fail).
  • The Best Practice Analyzer should now gracefully handle BPA rules where the rule expression itself has an error (just like TE2).
  • Fixed an issue where the Last accessed column of VertiPaq Analyzer did not show correct info.
  • Fixed a minor glitch with VertiPaq Analyzer buttons not indicating correct state.
  • Emojis in the DAX editor should no longer cause random crashes, although auto-complete, auto-formatting, etc. will still not work.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the OLS Column Permission to "None" would cause the TOM Explorer to lock up.
  • Fixed a glitch in the "Save as Macro" dialog, which could cause a crash in some cases.
  • M partitions containing a comment on the last line should no longer produce an error when performing a schema update through Analysis Services/Power BI, see #1167.
  • The auto-complete popup should now have a suitable width on its first appearance, see #1152.

Coming from Tabular Editor 2.x?

Watch this video to get an idea of the new features in Tabular Editor 3. Also, make sure to check our onboarding guide.

Tabular Editor 3 major features overview:

  • Fully customizable IDE, with multi-monitor, Hi-DPI support and themes
  • New powerful DAX code editor with auto-complete, syntax checking, code folding and much, much more
  • *Workspace mode, allowing you to save your changes to disk and synchronise model metadata to Analysis Services simultaneously
  • *Preview table data with infinite scrolling, create PivotGrids or write DAX queries to browse the model or test calculation logic
  • *Schedule data refreshes
  • Update Table Schemas on both Provider and Structured Data Sources (yes, even for M queries!)
  • Create data model diagrams
  • Create DAX scripts that allow you to edit multiple measures or other calculated objects in a single document
  • Record C# scripts and save as macros (formerly known as "Custom Actions")
  • VertiPaq Analyzer integration
  • DAX debugger

*=Only while connected to an instance of Analysis Services or Power BI