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Tabular Editor 3.14.0

Tabular Editor 3.14.0 downloads:

If you haven't used Tabular Editor 3 before, you are eligible to a 30 day trial, which can be requested after installation. You can also purchase a license.


Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (and newer) uses .NET 6. You may have to install the .NET 6.0 Runtime for Desktop before you can launch Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (or newer). Starting from 3.3.1, the Tabular Editor 3 installer will download and install these prerequisites, if they are missing.

New in 3.14.0

Check out our release blog to get a brief overview of the most important updates in this release.

Improvements in 3.14.0

  • Calculated columns now show the "fx" glyph in the Table Preview, so they are easier to distinguish from non-calculated columns.
  • The DAX query row limiter will now be disabled if a DAX query uses TOPN or START AT, to avoid interfering with the returned results.
  • The DAX auto-complete feature now supports any scalar expression in the ORDER BY clause of a DAX query, and will also no longer suggest columns that are already specified earlier in the ORDER BY clause.
  • When importing/updating tables in a Direct Lake model, we now add the same annotations to tables and columns as if the model was created through the Power BI web modelling, ensuring that cross workspace models can refresh without issues, among other things.
  • Support for DAX INFO functions in editor auto-complete. These functions are only suggested in a DAX query, as they cannot be used in calculated items (e.g., columns, tables) or measures in a model.
  • Updated TOM to 19.76.0 which includes the latest version of TMDL (Preview-9).
  • With TMDL Preview-9, we now have a set of new options available, for configuring how the TMDL is serialized. You can find these options under Tools > Preferences > Save-to-folder (for any models that were previously saved as TMDL, you can change these settings under Model > Serialization options):

TMDL is still a preview feature, meaning breaking changes could be introduced between new releases. If you face any issues deserializing a model after upgrading Tabular Editor, rollback to the latest version of Tabular Editor, then temporarily save the model as a regular .bim file, before serializing it to TMDL again using the latest version of Tabular Editor.

TMDL serialization settings


We do not currently have any options available for customizing which objects get serialized as individual files, when using TMDL. If you would like to see this feature, please let us know!

Bugfixes in 3.14.0

  • Fixed an issue with Find/Replace unexpectedly searching/performing replaces outside of the current selection.
  • Fixed an issue where the DAX autocomplete would not suggest a column after a binary operator, if that column was already used previously in the same filter expression, see #1156.
  • Fixed an issue where unpinning the Properties View would cause all layout settings to be reset upon reopening TE3.
  • The DAX Semantic Analyzer now properly handles ORDER BY and START AT expressions in DAX queries. Moreover, auto-complete works correctly within these clauses, and the automatic row limiter no longer generates invalid DAX when START AT is present. See #1182. Lastly, the built-in DAX formatter should no longer crash when formatting a query containing START AT.
  • Fixed a bug where the Data Preview grid seemed to support sorting by more than column. In reality, only the first column selected for sorting is effective, since the TOPNSKIP function used to query the table does not support sorting on more than column.
  • Fixed a bug that would cause documents to get "stuck" when restoring a layout through the Window menu.
  • Fixed a bug that prevented certain types of errors to be shown in the TOM Explorer and the Messages view, see 1217.
  • Fixed a bug that could cause the application to hang during activation.
  • Fixed an issue with extended properties on perspectives not being serialized when using (legacy) "Save to folder", see #1165.
  • Entering a '.' (dot) should no longer close the DAX auto-complete popup window when filtering DAX functions that have a dot in their name.

Coming from Tabular Editor 2.x?

Watch this video to get an idea of the new features in Tabular Editor 3. Also, make sure to check our onboarding guide.

Tabular Editor 3 major features overview:

  • Fully customizable IDE, with multi-monitor, Hi-DPI support and themes
  • New powerful DAX code editor with auto-complete, syntax checking, code folding and much, much more
  • *Workspace mode, allowing you to save your changes to disk and synchronise model metadata to Analysis Services simultaneously
  • *Preview table data with infinite scrolling, create PivotGrids or write DAX queries to browse the model or test calculation logic
  • *Schedule data refreshes
  • Update Table Schemas on both Provider and Structured Data Sources (yes, even for M queries!)
  • Create data model diagrams
  • Create DAX scripts that allow you to edit multiple measures or other calculated objects in a single document
  • Record C# scripts and save as macros (formerly known as "Custom Actions")
  • VertiPaq Analyzer integration
  • DAX debugger

*=Only while connected to an instance of Analysis Services or Power BI