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Tabular Editor 3.18.2

Tabular Editor 3.18.2 .NET 8 downloads:

Tabular Editor 3.18.2 .NET 6 downloads:

If you haven't used Tabular Editor 3 before, you are eligible to a 30 day trial, which can be activated after installation. You can also purchase a license.


.NET 6 will be going out-of-support in November 2024. If you are not able to install the .NET 8 Desktop runtime now, please contact your IT organization to plan ahead, as we will no longer be providing .NET 6 builds of Tabular Editor 3 after December 2024. Alternatively, use our portable builds, which include the required .NET runtime.

Bugfixes in 3.18.2

  • Fixed a regression related to OS regional settings, which would cause a crash upon entering the Preferences dialog for the first time.
  • Fix flickering in the Data Refresh view and show proper warning icon for warning messages in the output

Improvements in 3.18.1

  • The Semantic Analyzer no longer displays an error when using a table table name as the name of a variable. Note: as of this writing, the ability to use table names for variables is supported in Power BI Desktop (October 2024) and in the Power BI Service. You can control the error behavior under Tools > Preferences > DAX Editor > DAX Settings > Table-named variables.
  • We've updated the AMO/TOM client libraries to the latest version 19.86.6. This should fix the Can't obtain account information for '(e-mail)' while trying to refresh the token. issue that some users have experienced while connected to the Power BI XMLA endpoint, see #1387.
  • A new option under Tools > Preferences > Power BI let you specify the default authentication mode to use when connecting to Power BI / Fabric workspaces or Azure Analysis Services. This lets you, for example, specify Microsoft Entra MFA by default, forcing the account selector/MFA popup to show up when connecting.
  • For multi-user licenses, we now show an option to change the license key, if the number of users on the license has been exceeded. This way, you no longer have to manually reset the license key through the Windows registry.

Bugfixes in 3.18.1

  • When attempting to connect to the DAX Optimizer service with a Tabular Tools account that has not been completely set up, we now show a more descriptive error message, instead of throwing an unhandled exception.
  • Fixed a bug where VPAX files created in Tabular Editor 3 would be reported as being corrupted when opened in the DAX Optimizer service.
  • Fixed a bug where an empty VPAX file was uploaded to the DAX Optimizer service, if the collection of VPAX statistics failed during the upload process.
  • Fixed a bug where semantic engine features were not always updated for the Expression Editor, when opening a new model (potentially causing false errors to appear in the editor).
  • Semantic Analyzer should no longer cause an "An item with the same key has already been added." exception in models with complex, nested DAX expressions, see #1390 and #1393.
  • Semantic Analyzer now correctly infers the data type of an expression such as SELECTEDVALUE('MyTable'[String Column], BLANK()) (in this case, the resulting data type should be String, but previously it was inferred as Variant).
  • Fixed a bug where the Simplify variable code actions would produce code that was not semantically equivalent to the original code. Moreover, this action will no longer cause a "loop" of code actions to be applied, see #1386.

New in 3.18.0

Check out our release blog to get a brief overview of the most important updates in this release.

  • Our DAX Optimizer integration is now out of preview, and we've also made a few updates, so that it now supports the new evaluation metrics that were part of DAX Optimizer 1.2. Oh, and by the way - all Enterprise Edition Tabular Editor 3 users now get 4 free DAX Optimizer runs per day. Download Tabular Editor 3.18.0 from one of the links above, and get your DAX Optimizer redemption code through the Help > About Tabular Editor menu item.
  • We're happy to introduce a new feature across all DAX editors in Tabular Editor 3: Code Actions. This productivity feature discretely provides suggestions for improving your DAX code and lets you apply the suggestion with a single click. For example, the feature can be used to remove unused variables, follow best practices for column and measure references, rewrite table filters as more efficient column filters, and much, much more. We plan to add additional actions in future releases, so stay tuned!
  • After we upgraded to the latest version of the Microsoft AMO/TOM client library, the behavior of the Integrated authentication option changed, such that the Entra ID account selector/MFA popup is no longer shown, if the Windows OS is already connected to an Entra ID account. As such, we've added a new authentication option, Microsoft Entra MFA, which will force the account selector/MFA popup to appear, letting you choose a different account than the one currently logged in to Windows, if needed.

Improvements in 3.18.0

  • The user interface preferences have been expanded to allow hiding model source details from the title bar, helping to protect sensitive information during recordings and presentations.
  • The user interface preferences now include a new "Recent Items" section. This section enables customization of the number of recent files and models displayed in the file menu and the servers displayed in recent connections. The new preferences also allow clearing these items.
  • The Semantic Analyzer now shows a warning if a variable is used directly as the 1st argument of CALCULATE or CALCULATETABLE. Since variables are unaffected by context transitions or modified filter contexts, using a variable this way is most likely unintentional.
  • Our SQL editor now uses an improved color scheme, making it easier to distinguish SQL keywords from identifiers.
  • Upgraded AMO/TOM and other dependencies to their latest versions.
  • We're now using Compatibility Level 1606 for new Power BI / Fabric semantic models. At this level, a new Model property ValueFilterBehavior is available, which can be used to control the auto-exist behavior of SUMMARIZECOLUMNS.
  • We've added support for the TOM ChangedProperties collection (on Tables, Measures, Columns, and a few other objects). This collection is used on composite or Direct Lake models, to indicate that a property (such as a column Name) has changed, and should no longer be synchronized from the underlying source.
  • Upgraded VertiPaq Analyzer to latest version (1.7.2), which fixes an issue regarding extracting stats on a model containing Field Parameters / Group By Columns.
  • Upgraded our version of the Snowflake .NET connector to v. 4.1.0. This addresses the following vulnerabilities: CVE-2023-34230 and CVE-2023-51662.
  • The diagram component should now be considerably faster when working with large diagrams with many relationships.
  • Columns in the Data Preview can now be hidden by right-clicking on the column header and selecting "Hide This Column". To show hidden columns, right-click on a column header and select "Column chooser". This will bring up a window from where you can access previously hidden columns.

Bugfixes in 3.18.0

  • Fixed a bug where the "Server" dropdown in the Load semantic model from database dialog would not show recently used servers.
  • Data Preview settings (sort order, filters, etc.) are now preserved after refreshing the preview, resolving a previous bug where settings were not maintained.
  • Fixed a crash which could happen when undoing (Ctrl+Z) while or immediately after using the "Rename" refactoring in a DAX editor.
  • The main UI is now properly locked from user interactions while the "Please wait" dialog is shown, such as when performing a table schema update.
  • Semantic Analyzer should no longer show a warning when referencing the internal "FormatString" measure in a DAX expression. As a consequence, it is now possible to debug queries that contain such references (even though the FormatString expression itself cannot currently be debugged), see #1377.

Known issues in 3.18.0

  • If you're getting the error message Can't obtain account information for '(e-mail)' while trying to refresh the token. it usually helps to perform the operation again. This is an issue in the newer versions of the AMO/TOM client libraries. You should also be able to avoid this issue by choosing the Microsoft Entra MFA authentication option, instead of the Integrated option, when initially connecting.

Coming from Tabular Editor 2.x?

Watch this video to get a quick tour of the main features in Tabular Editor 3. Also, make sure to check our onboarding guide.

Tabular Editor 3 major features overview:

  • Fully customizable IDE, with multi-monitor, Hi-DPI support and themes
  • New powerful DAX code editor with auto-complete, syntax checking, code folding and much, much more
  • *Workspace mode, allowing you to save your changes to disk and synchronise model metadata to Analysis Services simultaneously
  • *Preview table data with infinite scrolling, create PivotGrids or write DAX queries to browse the model or test calculation logic
  • *Schedule data refreshes
  • Update Table Schemas on both Provider and Structured Data Sources (yes, even for M queries!)
  • Create data model diagrams
  • Create DAX scripts that allow you to edit multiple measures or other calculated objects in a single document
  • Record C# scripts and save as macros (formerly known as "Custom Actions")
  • VertiPaq Analyzer integration
  • DAX debugger
  • DAX Optimizer integration
  • Code Actions to easily refactor your DAX.

*=Only while connected to an instance of Analysis Services or Power BI