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Tabular Editor 3.9.0

Tabular Editor 3.9.0 downloads:

If you haven't used Tabular Editor 3 before, you are eligible to a 30 day trial, which can be requested after installation. You can also purchase a license.


Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (and newer) uses .NET 6. You may have to install the .NET 6.0 Runtime for Desktop before you can launch Tabular Editor 3.3.0 (or newer). Starting from 3.3.1, the Tabular Editor 3 installer will download and install these prerequisites, if they are missing.

New in 3.9.0

Check out our release blog to get an overview of the most important updates in this release.

  • Customers on one of the Azure for Government cloud, can now specify the base url that Tabular Editor 3 should use, when connecting to the Power BI REST API, such as when importing tables from a Power BI Dataflow. This setting is specified under Tools > Preferences > Power BI > Power BI Service.
  • When selecting more than one cell in a DAX query result or a Pivot Grid, we now show a summary of the values selected in the application status bar (sum, minimum, maximum, average, etc.). Hold down Shift/Ctrl to select ranges the way you'd usually do. Shift+click on a column header will select all cells in that column. See #475.

Improvements in 3.9.0

  • We've rearranged some of the pages and sections of the preferences dialog, making it easier to navigate.
  • We're now using the latest version of TOM/AMO ( and TMDL preview-3.
  • We've also updated AdomdClient to, which should improve the performance of our Pivot Grid component.
  • VertiPaq Analyzer has been updated to version 1.2.18.
  • When a calculated table is left with a blank expression, we now show the error icon immediately in the TOM Explorer.
  • It is now possible to add objects to Pivot Grids or Diagrams, even when those documents do not have focus (assuming no more than one such document is open). Moreover, you can now create a Pivot Grid by right-clicking on a measure, saving a few clicks, when you just need to test the value of a measure.
  • We now show an error message, if attempting to assign an expression that produces a value of type 'Variant' to a calculated column (this is not allowed).
  • We've added a separate option for saving zipped model.bim backups under Tools > Preferences > Model Deployment. You can now choose to have backups saved upon every deployment, upon every save (while connected to an instance of Analysis Services), or both. Note, this feature is not available for TE3 Desktop Edition. This also fixed issue #796.
  • We've added additional info columns to VertiPaq Analyzer, to align with those available in DAX Studio.

TMDL is still in preview, and as such, this feature must also be considered a preview feature of Tabular Editor 3. Make sure to keep a Model.bim / Database.json backup of your model metadata to avoid losing work.

Bugfixes in 3.9.0

  • Fix false "Circular dependency" errors, encountered both in the DAX Editor, as well as in the TOM Explorer / Messages View. See issues #920 and #931.
  • Fixed an issue that prevented the Search and Replace dialog from searching in floating (undocked) document windows.
  • Various stability improvements (should fix #937, among other things).
  • Fixed a crash that would occur when attempting to format DAX code containing window functions.
  • Fixed a bug that caused Tabular Editor to use the System proxy when choosing Proxy Type "None" under Tools > Preferences > Proxy settings, and vice versa.
  • Semantic Analyzer now works correctly with the DETAILROWS function, see #938.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the name of a macro would not update the folder structure of macros, until the application was restarted.
  • Fixed a bug that caused certain column and hierarchy properties to be read-only, preventing users from correctly setting up calculated tables, relationships, etc., while connected to Power BI Desktop. See #929 and #930.
  • Fixed a crash in the DAX editor, when using the WINDOW function with certain parameters.
  • Fixed an issue with the M parser not interpreting [] correctly, preventing the offline schema comparer from inferring metadata from an M expression such as PowerPlatform.Dataflows([]). See #936.
  • Fixed an issue where the PivotGrid would crash if a measure had a malformed format string assigned.
  • Fixed an issue where the Semantic Analyzer would assign "Variant" as the data type of an expression resulting from the use of SWITCH with one or more branches returning BLANK.
  • Fixed a few bugs related to column filters on table previews. When getting the list of unique values of a column, we now read the first 5000 values (in ascending order). Previously, only 500 values were read, with no ordering specified, causing inconsistent behavior. See #924.

Coming from Tabular Editor 2.x?

Watch this video to get an idea of the new features in Tabular Editor 3. Also, make sure to check our onboarding guide.

Tabular Editor 3 major features overview:

  • Fully customizable IDE, with multi-monitor, Hi-DPI support and themes
  • New powerful DAX code editor with auto-complete, syntax checking, code folding and much, much more
  • *Workspace mode, allowing you to save your changes to disk and synchronise model metadata to Analysis Services simultaneously
  • *Preview table data with infinite scrolling, create PivotGrids or write DAX queries to browse the model or test calculation logic
  • *Schedule data refreshes
  • Update Table Schemas on both Provider and Structured Data Sources (yes, even for M queries!)
  • Create data model diagrams
  • Create DAX scripts that allow you to edit multiple measures or other calculated objects in a single document
  • Record C# scripts and save as macros (formerly known as "Custom Actions")
  • VertiPaq Analyzer integration
  • DAX debugger

*=Only while connected to an instance of Analysis Services or Power BI