Below is an overview of major new features to be shipped with Tabular Editor 3 updates in the short- to long term:
- Data Refresh View Improvements
- Power Query (M) Highlighting
Shipped in 2024
✅ DAX Debugger Locals Enhancement
✅ Full Direct Lake Integration
✅ DAX Optimizer Integration (Preview)
✅ .Net 8 migration
✅ Pivot Grid Enhancement
✅ DAX Query Enhancement
✅ TMDL GA Support
✅ Code Actions
✅ GA of DAX Optimizer Integration
- Adding more Code Actions
- Built in Best Practice Rules
- Built in Macros
- Power Query (M) Auto-Formatting
Up Next
- Localization
- Power Query (M) Editing Enchantments
- Macro Actions improvements such as automatic application across model and preferences for which to apply.
Non Planned Features
- Standalone CLI application
- Git integration
- DAX Debugger Filter Context visualizer
- Configurable Daxscilla autocomplete code snippets
- Configurable theming for code editors (syntax highlighting colors)
- Incremental deployment (a la ALM Toolkit)
Shipped in 2023
✅ TMDL Support as standard Save to Folder file format. (Depending on release of TMDL by Microsoft)
✅ Import Table Wizard support for Databricks (pending availability of REST endpoint for fetching metadata/schema)
✅ Metadata Translation Editor (view that can be opened when selecting one or more cultures, similar to the Tabular Translator tool)
✅ Perspective Editor (view that can be opened when selecting one or more perspectives, allowing you to check/uncheck objects visible in those perspectives)
✅ Improved Support for Oracle Databases
✅ Import Table Wizard support for Power BI datamarts (Use Datamart SQL Endpoint)
Shipped in 2022
✅ DAX Debugger
✅ .NET 6 migration
✅ C# code assist (autocomplete, calltips, etc.)
✅ Import Table Wizard support for Snowflake
✅ Import Table Wizard support for Power BI dataflows
✅ Configurable hotkeys
✅ Support for DAX window functions
✅ Git integration (private preview)
Shipped in 2021
✅ Import Table Wizard
✅ Portable Version
✅ Pivot Grid, Table Preview and DAX Query impersonation of a specific role or user, making it easy to test RLS/OLS
✅ DAX Script support for calculation groups and calculation items
✅ Offline DAX formatting