Table of Contents

Class ScriptHost

Inherited Members

This is the host class in which a C# script is executed

public class ScriptHost
Extension Methods



The currently loaded Model.

public static Model Model { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description


var modelHandler = new TabularModelHandler("localhost", "AdventureWorks"); // Connects to the 'AdventureWorks' database from the 'localhost' AS instance Model = modelHandler.Model; // Specify that the script should use the model loaded above var myMeasure = SelectMeasure(); // Prompt the user to select a measure from the model.


When no model is loaded in Tabular Editor, this property will be null causing calls to global methods such as EvaluateDax(string), SelectMeasure(Measure, string), etc. to fail. If you want to run a script without loading a model in Tabular Editor, or if you want the script to apply its changes to a different model than the one currently loaded, you may explicitly assign a model to this property as shown below:


An object that represents the current selection in the TOM Explorer.

public static Selection Selected { get; }

Property Value

Type Description


Toggle the "Please wait" spinner on/off. Useful if you want to display custom dialogs / UI to the end user.

public static bool WaitFormVisible { get; set; }

Property Value

Type Description


Built-in script UI such as the Info(string, int) and SelectMeasure(IEnumerable<Measure>, Measure, string) functionality will automatically hide the "Please wait" spinner.


CallDaxFormatter(bool?, bool?)

Format all DAX expressions on objects currently flagged for formatting.

public static void CallDaxFormatter(bool? shortFormat = null, bool? skipSpaceAfterFunctionName = null)


Type Name Description
bool? shortFormat
bool? skipSpaceAfterFunctionName


Collects VertiPaq Analyzer statistics for the currently loaded model.

public static void CollectVertiPaqAnalyzerStats()

ConvertDax(string, bool)

Changes the character used for decimals and list separators in a DAX expression.

public static string ConvertDax(string dax, bool useSemicolons = true)


Type Name Description
string dax

The original DAX expression

bool useSemicolons

Set to true when converting from Non-US-style DAX to US-style DAX, or false for vice versa.


Type Description

CustomAction(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, int)

Run a macro on a selection of objects. Alias for Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, int)

public static void CustomAction(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection, int macroId)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection

The object selection on which the macro should run.

int macroId

Id of the macro

CustomAction(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, string)

Run a macro on a selection of objects. Alias for Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, string)

public static void CustomAction(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection, string macroName)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection

The object selection on which the macro should run.

string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.


Run a macro. Alias for Macro(int)

public static void CustomAction(int macroId)


Type Name Description
int macroId

Id of the macro


Run a macro. Alias for Macro(string).

public static void CustomAction(string macroName)


Type Name Description
string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.

CustomAction(ITabularNamedObject, int)

Run a macro on an object. Alias for Macro(ITabularNamedObject, int)

public static void CustomAction(ITabularNamedObject selection, int macroId)


Type Name Description
ITabularNamedObject selection

The object on which the macro should be run.

int macroId

Id of the macro

CustomAction(ITabularNamedObject, string)

Run a macro on an object. Alias for Macro(ITabularNamedObject, string)

public static void CustomAction(ITabularNamedObject selection, string macroName)


Type Name Description
ITabularNamedObject selection

The object on which the macro should be run.

string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.


Displays an error message in a popup dialog. When the script is running in the CLI, an error message is written to the console.

public static void Error(string message)


Type Name Description
string message


Evaluates the specified DAX expression against the connected database and returns a data table or scalar value containing the result.

public static object EvaluateDax(string dax)


Type Name Description
string dax

The DAX expression to be evaluated


Type Description

A DataTable if the DAX expression returns a table value, otherwise a primitive type representing the scalar value of the evaluation.

ExecuteCommand(string, bool)

Executes the specified TMSL or XMLA command.

public static void ExecuteCommand(string tmslOrXmla, bool isXmla = false)


Type Name Description
string tmslOrXmla

A TMSL or XMLA string.

bool isXmla

Set to true if tmslOrXmla is XMLA.


Executes the specified DAX query.

public static DataSet ExecuteDax(string dax)


Type Name Description
string dax

A DAX query which contains one or more EVALUATE statements.


Type Description

A DataSet object which contains the resulting datasets from the query.


Executes the specified DAX query.

public static IDataReader ExecuteReader(string dax)


Type Name Description
string dax

A DAX query which contains one or more EVALUATE statements.


Type Description

An IDataReader-object that allows you to iterate the results of the query.

ExportProperties(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, string)

Export properties of the specified set of objects to a TSV (tab-separated) string. Use ImportProperties(string) to import properties from a TSV string.

public static string ExportProperties(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> objects, string properties = "Name,Description,SourceColumn,Expression,FormatString,DataType")


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> objects

Set of objects whose properties should be serialized

string properties

(Optional) Comma-separated list of properties to export. If omitted, a default set of properties are exported.


Type Description

FormatDax(IEnumerable<IDaxDependantObject>, bool?, bool?)

Format all DAX expressions on the specified objects.

public static void FormatDax(IEnumerable<IDaxDependantObject> objects, bool? shortFormat = null, bool? skipSpaceAfterFunctionName = null)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<IDaxDependantObject> objects
bool? shortFormat
bool? skipSpaceAfterFunctionName

FormatDax(string, bool?, bool)

Format the specified DAX expression

public static string FormatDax(string dax, bool? shortFormat = null, bool skipSpaceAfterFunctionName = false)


Type Name Description
string dax
bool? shortFormat
bool skipSpaceAfterFunctionName


Type Description


Flags the specified object for formatting after script execution or the next time CallDaxFormatter(bool?, bool?) is called.

public static void FormatDax(IDaxDependantObject obj)


Type Name Description
IDaxDependantObject obj


Returns a string representation that uniquely identifies the specified object within the model.

public static string GetObjectPath(TabularObject obj)


Type Name Description
TabularObject obj


Type Description


Applies properties to objects based on a string representation (tab separated format) of property values to assign, such as obtained by ExportProperties(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, string).

public static void ImportProperties(string tsvData)


Type Name Description
string tsvData

The tab separated property values to assign


Displays an informational message in a popup dialog. When the script is running in the CLI, an information message is written to the console.

public static void Info(string message)


Type Name Description
string message

LineBreakFirstChar(string, bool)

Ensures that a DAX expression starts with a line break.

public static string LineBreakFirstChar(string dax, bool onlyIfMultiline = true)


Type Name Description
string dax

The DAX expression

bool onlyIfMultiline

Set to true if the line break character should only be inserted when the DAX expression itself spans multiple lines.


Type Description


In Power BI Desktop, DAX expressions are shown on a formula bar with the name of the object prepended. For this reason, it is often useful to have a line break as the first character of the actual DAX expression.

Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, int)

Run a macro on a selection of objects.

public static void Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection, int macroId)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection

The object selection on which the macro should run.

int macroId

Id of the macro

Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject>, string)

Run a macro on a selection of objects.

public static void Macro(IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection, string macroName)


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<ITabularNamedObject> selection

The object selection on which the macro should run.

string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.


Run a macro.

public static void Macro(int macroId)


Type Name Description
int macroId

Id of the macro


Run a macro.

public static void Macro(string macroName)


Type Name Description
string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.

Macro(ITabularNamedObject, int)

Run a macro on an object.

public static void Macro(ITabularNamedObject selection, int macroId)


Type Name Description
ITabularNamedObject selection

The object on which the macro should be run.

int macroId

Id of the macro

Macro(ITabularNamedObject, string)

Run a macro on an object.

public static void Macro(ITabularNamedObject selection, string macroName)


Type Name Description
ITabularNamedObject selection

The object on which the macro should be run.

string macroName

Name of the macro. Use fully path of macro in case of ambiguity.


Displays detailed information about the specified object or collection of objects in a popup dialog. When executed through the UI, the user has an option to ignore additional popups. When the script is running in the CLI, the information is written to the console.

public static void Output(object value)


Type Name Description
object value

An object or collection of objects


Read the specified file as text

public static string ReadFile(string filePath)


Type Name Description
string filePath


Type Description


Resolves an object within the model based on a string such as the one obtained by GetObjectPath(TabularObject).

public static TabularObject ResolveObjectPath(string path)


Type Name Description
string path


Type Description

SaveFile(string, string, Encoding)

Saves the specified text to a file

public static void SaveFile(string filePath, string content, Encoding encoding = null)


Type Name Description
string filePath

Path of the file - file will be created if it does not already exist, and overwritten otherwise

string content

Content to write to the file

Encoding encoding

(Optional) Encoding to use

SelectColumn(IEnumerable<Column>, Column, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a column from the specified list of columns.

public static Column SelectColumn(IEnumerable<Column> columns, Column preselect = null, string label = "Select column:")


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<Column> columns

A list of columns to be shown to the user

Column preselect

(Optional) A column from the list of columns, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected column or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectColumn(Table, Column, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a column from the specified table.

public static Column SelectColumn(Table table, Column preselect = null, string label = "Select column:")


Type Name Description
Table table

The table from which the user should select a column

Column preselect

(Optional) A column from the list of columns, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected column or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectMeasure(IEnumerable<Measure>, Measure, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a measure from the specified list of measures.

public static Measure SelectMeasure(IEnumerable<Measure> measures, Measure preselect = null, string label = "Select measure:")


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<Measure> measures

A list of measures to be shown to the user

Measure preselect

(Optional) A measure from the list of measures, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected measure or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectMeasure(Measure, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a measure from the model.

public static Measure SelectMeasure(Measure preselect = null, string label = "Select measure:")


Type Name Description
Measure preselect

(Optional) A measure from the model, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected measure or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectMeasure(Model, Measure, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a measure from the model.

public static Measure SelectMeasure(Model model, Measure preselect = null, string label = "Select measure:")


Type Name Description
Model model

The model from which a measure should be selected by the user

Measure preselect

(Optional) A measure from the model, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected measure or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectMeasure(Table, Measure, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a measure from the specified table.

public static Measure SelectMeasure(Table table, Measure preselect = null, string label = "Select measure:")


Type Name Description
Table table

A table containing the measures that will be shown to the user

Measure preselect

(Optional) A measure from the table, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected measure or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectObject<T>(IEnumerable<T>, T, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a model object from a list of objects.

public static T SelectObject<T>(IEnumerable<T> objects, T preselect = null, string label = "Select object:") where T : TabularNamedObject


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<T> objects

A list of objects to be shown to the user

T preselect

(Optional) An object from the list, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected object or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

Type Parameters

Name Description

The type of objects shown to the user

SelectObjects<T>(IEnumerable<T>, IEnumerable<T>, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select one or more model objects from a list of objects.

public static IList<T> SelectObjects<T>(IEnumerable<T> objects, IEnumerable<T> preselect = null, string label = "Select object(s):") where T : TabularNamedObject


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<T> objects

A list of objects to be shown to the user

IEnumerable<T> preselect

(Optional) A list of objects which are preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected object(s) or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

Type Parameters

Name Description

The type of objects shown to the user

SelectTable(IEnumerable<Table>, Table, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a table from the specified list of tables.

public static Table SelectTable(IEnumerable<Table> tables, Table preselect = null, string label = "Select table:")


Type Name Description
IEnumerable<Table> tables

A list of tables to be shown to the user

Table preselect

(Optional) A table from the list of tables, which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected table or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectTable(Model, Table, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a table from the model.

public static Table SelectTable(Model model, Table preselect = null, string label = "Select table:")


Type Name Description
Model model

The model from which a table should be selected by the user

Table preselect

(Optional) A table which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected table or null if the user cancels out of the dialog

SelectTable(Table, string)

Displays a dialog that allows the user to select a table from the model.

public static Table SelectTable(Table preselect = null, string label = "Select table:")


Type Name Description
Table preselect

(Optional) A table which is preselected when the dialog is shown

string label

(Optional) A label to be shown within the dialog


Type Description

The selected table or null if the user cancels out of the dialog


Hides the "Please wait" spinner while performing the specified action. Useful if the action displays custom dialogs / UI to the end user.

public static void SuspendWaitForm(Action action)


Type Name Description
Action action


Built-in script UI such as the Info(string, int) and SelectMeasure(IEnumerable<Measure>, Measure, string) functionality will automatically hide the "Please wait" spinner.


Hides the "Please wait" spinner while performing the specified action. Useful if the action displays custom dialogs / UI to the end user.

public static T SuspendWaitForm<T>(Func<T> action)


Type Name Description
Func<T> action


Type Description

Type Parameters

Name Description


Built-in script UI such as the Info(string, int) and SelectMeasure(IEnumerable<Measure>, Measure, string) functionality will automatically hide the "Please wait" spinner.


Displays a warning message in a popup dialog. When the script is running in the CLI, a warning message is written to the console.

public static void Warning(string message)


Type Name Description
string message